Bhramari Pranayam helps in improving concentration and calming the body and mind. To perform this pranayam, sit comfortably on a mat folding your legs or in the lotus pose. With the thumbs of your hands block the earlids of your ears, place your index fingers above your eyebrows and your remaining 3 fingers on your eyes. Now concentrate on the spot on your forehead between your eyebrows. Deeply inhale filling your lungs with air, now while exhaling pronounce the om sound internally and feel the vibrations in your body. Repeat 4-5 times. breathing exercises for period cramps
Can you live longer by breathing more slowly? Yoga practitioners say so. Viloma pranayama is known to soothe the nerves and calm the brain. To perform this breathing exercise, lie down flat on your back on a mat with your arms on your sides. Inhale deeply from both your nostrils. Now perform interrupted exhalation. Exhale for 3 seconds and hold your breath, now exhale for 3 seconds again, keep doing until your lungs feel empty. Again breathe in a repeat for 5-6 minutes.