With the ever-changing landscape of search, you need to be able to track your progress and modify your strategy accordingly. If you don’t have a baseline analysis, you won’t know where you stand. Luckily, there are many ways to generate a baseline analysis for your SEO strategy. Many of these strategies work best if you have access to a completely fresh database. For example, if you’re testing a new keyword strategy. But what if you don’t have the budget to do this? Or, what if you don’t have time to do it? Let’s look at the discrete ways you can generate a baseline analysis for your Local SEO Sydney strategy to stay on top of your game.

Bird’s-eye view of your site’s benchmark report

The first way to generate a baseline analysis for your SEO strategy is to take a bird’s-eye view of your site’s report. This will give you a comprehensive overview of your site’s progress and allow you to identify the strengths and weaknesses that need addressing. To get started, go to Google Analytics and find the “All Traffic Sources” report. This report will show all the different types of sources that are bringing traffic to your site from search engines, social media, paid advertisements, email marketing, etc. Next, compare this report with a previous one or with a competitor’s website. Make sure you use enough time between these comparison periods to make them relevant!


One of the best ways to generate a baseline analysis for your Local SEO Sydney strategy is to create a map of your entire website. If you do not have access to a completely fresh database, this may be difficult. However, if you have the budget and time, start at the top of your site and work your way down. Start by creating a list of all subdomains that are on your website. Find these using Google’s search engine or with an SEO tool like SEMrush. Then, make sure you list out each subdomain and what they contain. If you find that some of your subdomains aren’t relevant to SEO, remove them from the map as they are not contributing to your SEO strategy in any meaningful way.

Create a baseline report

Creating a baseline report is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to generate a baseline analysis for your SEO strategy. A baseline report can be generated by using your website’s Google Analytics. This data provides valuable insights into your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, including keyword ranking information, traffic patterns, and site usage.

By clicking on Acquisition > All Traffic > Search Queries in Google Analytics, you can see which keywords have been bringing in the most traffic to your website and how long they have been ranking. You can also use this data to find out what specific keywords are driving the most traffic to your website and which keywords are being ignored by your current Local SEO Sydney strategy. By comparing these two lists, you can then decide whether or not there is room for improvement with either the SEO strategy or the keyword selection process. Also Read:https://www.masterblogger.com.au/baseline-analysis-help-optimise-seo-sydney-strategy/

Benchmarking using Google Analytics and Google Search Console

One of the most efficient ways to benchmark your SEO strategy is by using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These platforms provide insight into where you stand in relation to your competition. This can help you better understand how to identify opportunities for growth or ways to improve your current strategy. You will be able to observe how many people are viewing a specific page, what keywords are being used, and even which keywords are driving traffic from organic searches. When looking at these tools, it’s important that you take note of things like bounce rate, average time on site, and conversion rates. 

These metrics provide you an understanding of where your website stands in relation to other similar websites with similar strategies. The goal is to have as much data as possible so that you can make smart decisions about your SEO strategy over time. Generating a baseline analysis for your SEO strategy can be difficult without access to a completely fresh database or the time for one, but there are many different ways of doing so! One way is by using Google Analytics and Google Search Console, which provides insight into how well your current strategy is working (and if it needs improvement) and which parts of the strategy perform well – #benchmarking

Pages and Keywords

The simplest way of tracking your progress is to look at the number of pages indexed. If you’re using a keyword strategy, you might want to track the number of keywords your website is ranking for as well. These numbers can be tracked in Google Search Console or Moz Analytics. Another way to generate a baseline analysis is to view the “organic search volume” for each keyword in Google Trends. This will allow you to see how many searches per month are done on that specific keyword and where they are coming from. This will give you an idea of how valuable that keyword could be for your business over time. You can also use tools like SEMRush or Onalytica to generate an organic search volume report with a click of a button!

Organic research

One of the easiest ways to generate a baseline analysis is to conduct organic research. This will give you a clear understanding of where your site’s strengths and weaknesses. If you have access to Google Analytics, you can use this tool as well as keyword data from Google Trends to determine how much traffic your site receives. The website analytics site offers an in-depth look at each page’s performance, which will give you valuable insights into what pages users tend to visit the most and what sections need work. The other easy way to generate a baseline analysis is by using the search term reports in Google Search Console. These reports will show you how often your keyword is searched for, how many impressions it generates, and how long until someone searches for it again.

Site overview

The simplest way to generate a baseline analysis for your SEO strategy is to take a look at your website overview. Here, you will be able to see what keywords are bringing in the most traffic and how these keywords trend over time. This information can help you determine the best keywords to focus on next. If you want an even more detailed look at your website, try using analytics software like Google Analytics. The data in this location will include keyword rankings and the number of visitors for each keyword compared to other keywords with similar search volumes. You will also be able to see which keywords bring in the most organic traffic as opposed to paid search traffic. These insights can help you figure out where your priorities should lie when it comes to SEO.


The first step is to identify your primary keyword strategy. This should be the keyword that you have come up with as a central focus for your overall SEO strategy. Think of this keyword as being the one that gets you noticed and drives traffic back to your website. Now, it’s time to identify your secondary keyword strategy. These are the keywords that you want to target in order to get more clicks and create more visibility for your website. Once you have these two strategies identified, it’s time to start tracking metrics for both of them. This will help you determine how much traffic each keyword receives and whether or not they are performing well enough on their own or if they need some additional support. You can use tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush to track these metrics over time so that you know where your position is trending and what adjustments need to be made accordingly.